Big Pharma
Made Us Do It

"Knowing there had to be a better way, a safer way."

Our Story

Welcome to Living Simply. Our story unfolds with founders Nick and Dave, two enthusiasts in search of natural solutions for pain relief, better sleep, and enhanced energy without compromise. Guided by four essential principles—safety, clarity, natural origins, and affordability—we ventured into creating a breakthrough: a plant-based, non-addictive, and non-mind-altering remedy accessible to everyone.

Living Simply emerged from our dedication to innovation and well-being. Our flagship product, a delicious, chewable formula, is crafted in small batches from the finest U.S.-sourced ingredients, embodying our commitment to quality and affordability. We're here to support your wellness journey, offering results you deserve at a price you can afford.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your path to a better lifestyle.

With respect,

Nick & Dave